
7 Foods toxic to cats

As cat parents, all of us want to ensure that our furry friends are in the best of health at all times. We feed them the most nutritious of foods and healthiest of veggies and meat. However, now and then, your cat may crave a little treat that may be new. As much as you want them to have it, here are a few foods toxic to cats. 


  1. Raw Meat, Eggs and Bones 

As in humans, the consumption of raw meat, bones and eggs can lead to E.Coli or salmonella poisoning in cats. Symptoms include lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea. Please keep in mind that E.Coli can also be transferred to humans so make sure to wash your hands after cooking your pet’s meat food. Raw eggs possess an enzyme that can lead to coat and skin issues. Apart from these concerns, raw bones may lead to choking, bring damage to the teeth and digestive tract. 


  1. Onions and Garlic are one of the foods toxic to cats 

Onions and garlic, although healthy for humans, can lead to the dropping of red blood cells in cats thereby leading to anemia. Occasional exposure to these food items may be okay. However, large quantities of it can be poisonous to cats. Moreover, concentration forms of these vegetables such as onion powder or garlic mix can also be extremely harmful. Symptoms to look out for are pale gums, reduced appetite, lethargy, orangish-dark red urine and weakness. 


  1. Alcohol and Raw Dough 

Alcoholic beverages and food items can cause diarrhea, vomiting, disorientation, tremors, breathing and in worse scenarios even coma or death. Raw dough must also be kept away from cats as it causes build up of alcohol in the gut. Since alcohol can be lethal at times to your cat, make sure to take them to the vet if you are in doubt. 


  1. Chocolate and Caffeine are one of the foods toxic to cats 

It’s a popular saying that you shouldn’t feed your cats chocolate. But, is the notion backed up by science? Turns out it is! Chocolates contain substances known as methylxanthines which may cause fever, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle tremors, abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, discomfort in the abdomen and increased thirst. If you notice that your cat has developed any of the above symptoms make sure to rush to the vet. Caffeinated beverages also contain methylxanthines, which is why they should be kept away from cats. 


  1. Raisins and Grapes 

Raisins and grapes can lead to the development of kidney failure amongst cats. So, a pet parent must be very alert in assuring that they are never consumed by their cat. Some signs to look out for are that most often, cats begin to vomit within 12 hours of consumption of raisins and grapes due to ingestion. Other symptoms that may show up within a day’s time include lethargy, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, reduced appetite and decreased urination. 


Although there are plenty of studies going on as to why raisins and grapes are dangerous to cats, it has been noticed that even a small amount of it can make your cat very ill. It’s possible that some may show no symptoms and look perfectly. Even then, as a precautionary measure, we recommend that you keep raisins and grapes away from your pet. 


  1. Avocado 

Avocados can be at times mildly toxic to your cats. The seed, leaves, bark and the fruit itself contain a substance called Persin which may cause diarrhea and vomiting.


  1. Is Milk toxic to cats? 

Although milk is not toxic to cats, it can be avoided as it may cause adverse effects. Most cats tend to be lactose intolerant, ie, consuming milk and other dairy products may cause gas, stomach upset, abdominal discomfort and cramps. 


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