
Things you should not be doing as a dog trainer

Being a dog trainer Dog training can be an extremely interesting job to do. You will get to spend plenty of time with your fur buddies and you will also get to teach them the best ways to behave. Not only that, you get to experience the gratitude of multiple pet parents for the job […]

What you should not do while dog training

Are you a pet parent going through the phase where you have put your dog through training? Are you hoping to make sure that they are in their best behavior at all times? Do you want to ensure their safety by making sure that they follow your commands when necessary? Then putting them through dog […]

Positive reinforcements you can provide while dog training

If you are a pet parent whose dog is going through dog training, then you must be getting accustomed to the fact they are going through a lot of changes. Hiring a professional dog trainer will always benefit you in the long run as they will know exactly what kind of training your dog needs […]

Tips to training older dogs

If you are a pet parent who has a dog, you might want to train the dog at different stages of life just to make sure that they are at their best behaved version of themselves. In other times, you might be a parent who has recently adopted an older dog and need to teach […]

How to be a great dog walker

There are a number of ways people get into dog walking There are a number of ways people get into dog walking. Some people move away from home and miss their family pets. Others have their own dog, love taking it for walks, and think ‘This is great, ‘I wish somebody would pay me to […]

What should you ensure while hiring a dog trainer?

hiring a dog trainer? If you have just gotten a new puppy home, or want to make sure that your adult dog needs to learn more tricks (or requires basic training from the beginning), or just want your dog to improve on their basic mannerisms and ensure they are on their best behavior always, you […]

Ideal qualities of a dog trainer

If you love teaching dogs various little tricks, spending quality time with them doing what they like and have the passion to help pet parents ensure that their dogs are in their best behavior, then you would already be aware of the concept of dog training. When it is concisely put, dog training is a […]

Pet Grooming For Aggressive Dogs

Several pet parents today complain of aggression in their dogs. All wild animals show aggressive instincts when they have to protect themselves, their young ones or their territories. However, when bringing domestic animals home, it is crucial to tame them as early as possible in order to not have any aggressive concerns later on. Aggression […]

4 tips about walking dogs during Diwali

As a pet parent, with the festive season fast approaching, you might naturally be much more concerned about your dog’s well-being. Dog walking can prove to be a challenge during festivities especially, loud ones like Diwali. Although Diwali is the festival of lights, many choose to celebrate it by bursting an insane amount of crackers […]

How to train your puppy to pee outdoors

One of the most essential and primary skills you teach a new dog, especially a pup, is potty training. Most professional trainers recommend that it be started as early as between 12-16 weeks. There are two ways of doing this – one may train them to relieve themselves at home, in a pee pad when […]

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