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What all should you provide your pet sitter with?

pet sitting

As a pet parent, you will already be aware of the concept of pet sitting and a pet sitter. Pet sitter is someone who looks after your pet and makes sure your pet is safe and sound without your supervision. They not only look after them but also help by giving them good food, training them to be at their best behaviour and also make sure that your pet is always healthy. As a pet parent, no matter how much you trust the pet sitter, you will always be worried for your pet baby – which is a completely natural emotion to feel. 

The whole time you are away, you might wonder if your pet has all the resources that they require. The fact that you are hiring a pet sitter as opposed to leaving your pet alone during those few hours, already proves that you care very much for the well-being of your pet. So you are already stepping in the right direction. So, what more can you do to ensure that your pet is completely safe and healthy? Yeah, you have got to make sure that the person in charge of taking care of your pets has all the resources that they require to ensure your pet’s safety and health.

  1. Food and water timings – It is important for your pet to stay strong and hence providing timely food and water to them is the first priority. Your pet under your care, would obviously have a schedule of their own when it comes to food and water. So it is important that you provide your pet sitter with those details about the timings of their food and water intake. While you should make sure that there is a water bowl that is always available within the pet’s reach, food is something that needs to be provided only timely and properly.
  2. List of medications – If your pet has some medical conditions or generally is needed to take a few medications, make sure that the pet sitter you hire is completely aware of them. A healthy pet is a happy pet – hence, anti-bacterial powder, pet shampoo and their bathing supplies are good additions too.
  3. Contact details – Always make sure to give the right contact details in case anything is needed. In that way it would be easy to control your pet and make sure that they don’t get cranky in the presence of the pet sitter. Not only that, you can also stay in touch with the pet sitter you hired for constant updates about the well0being of your pet and hence providing the right and the appropriate contact details becomes beneficial for everyone involved. 
  4. Emergency contacts – Give your pet sitter the contact of the vet that you regularly visit, so in case of emergency they will contact them and make sure that your pet does not get into any danger. The pet sitter you choose to hire should also be provided with an emergency way they can contact you in case you are not available in your usual ways of contact. 
  5. Comprehensive list of your pet’s worrying behaviors – Always make sure to mention the various worrying behaviours that your pet exhibits so that it would be easier for the pet sitter to train and handle the pet accordingly. 
  6. Information about extra supplies – Let your pet sitters be aware of the place where you keep the extra supplies for your pet. This will help them if in any case they run short. This includes supplies like extra food, extra treats, extra water, extra toys, safety blankets and medications. Be aware that these supplies should be in addition to the basic supplies and necessities that you would have already provided the pet sitter with.
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