Factors involved in pet relocation services
If you are thinking of availing pet relocation services, here are some factors that you might need to keep in mind When you are a pet parent, there are a multitude of factors that affect the way you lead your life and your travels (hence the need for pet relocation services Bangalore). You will […]
How to tell if your female cat is in heat
If you are a cat owner, you know the wonders that you experience as a pet parent. You get to care for them and you get to experience their love in return. They are beautiful looking creatures and are also known for being smart and cheeky. If you do not own a cat of your […]
6 tips to follow if you are a cat owner
What’s better than being a pet parent to amazing cat(s)? They are known for their cute, sassy behavior and also being one of the prettiest domesticated creatures. In addition to being beautiful to look at, they are also known for being incredibly smart and sweet. Most cats are (in)famous for loving their personal space, and […]
Tips for amateur cat training at home
Cat training at home If you are a cat parent, we know you absolutely love their sass and pizzazz. Cats are always known for their cheeky, independent habits and their preference to make their own decisions without depending on their owner. There are a ton of cat memes going around on social media about how […]
Positive reinforcements you can provide while dog training
If you are a pet parent whose dog is going through dog training, then you must be getting accustomed to the fact they are going through a lot of changes. Hiring a professional dog trainer will always benefit you in the long run as they will know exactly what kind of training your dog needs […]
Pet ownership from INKC
All about how you can gain the Kennel Club pet ownership certificate There are over 150 distinct breeds of dog recognized by most Kennel Clubs throughout the world as pure breeds. A purebred dog is one which breeds true to type. This means that when mated to another of the same breed, the progeny consistently […]
How to cope with the loss of a pet?
The grieving process after the loss of a pet Grieving is a highly individual experience. Some people find grief following the loss of a pet comes in stages, where they experience different feelings such as denial, anger, guilt, depression, and eventually acceptance and resolution. Others find that their grief is more cyclical, coming in waves, […]
Is it too late to train my older dog?
When it comes to dog training, who said you can’t teach older dogs new tricks? When it comes to dog training, who said you can’t teach old dogs new tricks? Apparently, with the right actions and behaviour, you can teach a dog of any age. So, if dog training fell by the wayside during the […]
What is pet licensing?
Pet licensing As a pet parent, you might already be familiar with the concept of pet licensing. If not, let’s try to understand it in simple words – it is basically a process that your pet needs to go through in order to get legal recognition (and subsequent ease of existence) from the government bodies. […]
What should you ensure while hiring a dog trainer?
hiring a dog trainer? If you have just gotten a new puppy home, or want to make sure that your adult dog needs to learn more tricks (or requires basic training from the beginning), or just want your dog to improve on their basic mannerisms and ensure they are on their best behavior always, you […]