
Why Do Cats Like Milk So Much? Should You Treat Your Kitty?

Try to picture a cat without their bowl of cow’s milk to slurp on – close to impossible, right? Old folk tales, comics and popular sitcoms like Tom and Jerry have constantly portrayed cats and milk sharing a solid connection. So, it’s only natural to think that milk is healthy for felines. Turns out, no. […]

Top 7 things you should get for your new cat

Cats are super independent animals and you can only get them if you are ready to respect their personal space and boundaries. You are probably excited at the prospect of being a new pet parent! Despite their notorious reputation, cats are very adorable and are capable of loving you and providing you with the best […]

7 Tips to build friendship between your dog and cat

Are dogs and cats enemies from birth? How much truth is there to this statement? It is true that the two animals are very different from one another and see each other as prey. But, they certainly can get along. You must have seen those “oh so cute” videos of canines and felines cuddling together. […]

5 ways you might be going wrong with your new puppy

Newly becoming a puppy parent can be one of the most amazing things to happen to your life. However, just like parenting human babies, parenting puppies needs a lot of effort and work. The puppy also needs time to get used to its new environment, you need to get used to their habits and most […]

10 reasons why you should adopt a German Shepherd

Although a relatively new breed, German Shepherds have won several hearts across millions worldwide because of their happy demeanour and several other qualities. Keep reading to know more about this majestic breed!  German Shepherds are one of the healthiest dog breeds It is often believed that these breeds may even live up to 13 years […]

Should you leave your pet in a kennel?

As pet parents, you take care of your babies extremely well and try to protect them as much as you can. In addition to that, you always want to make sure that they are provided the best of all things so you can make them as happy as they make you. However, as much as […]

Dog name suggestions for your new pet!

You are probably getting a dog soon or already have gotten one, so congratulations on becoming a new pet parent! – that is one of the best things that can happen to you in your life so hurray for that. Getting a pet is equivalent to having a child of your own, and what is […]

Why should you adopt a pet?

We all get excited at the prospect of having a pet. We all want to experience the absolutely unconditional love that is only possible with having a pet and being a pet parent. This makes us want to get the cutest puppy or the sweetest kitty home and keep it with ourselves forever – so […]

How to choose the perfect dog breed

Bringing a new member such as a dog into your life can be a significant, life-changing decision. Before you head over to the pet store, you need to ensure that you are ready for a dog. One must also keep in mind the importance of costs that come with dog ownership. Finally, if you have […]

How to emotionally prepare your pet before going away for your vacation without them

Like you pet parents, PawSpace too firmly believes that pets are an integral part of families and leaving their side for multiple days can be heartbreaking for both them and yourself. However, your pet’s boarding session can be fun and comfortable for them and less worrisome for you by preparing them properly. Keep reading to […]

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